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Frequently asked questions

What kind of material will the NSRJ publish?

The current scope of NSRJ will be publishing the abstract booklet for the annual conference. Manuscripts and supplemental information will not be published.

Is the NSRJ peer-reviewed?

The abstracts and presentations submitted to the annual NSRF meeting are all reviewed by volunteer faculty members and NSRF faculty members.

If my abstract is published in the NSRF abstract booklet, can I still submit my manuscript to other peer-reviewed journals for publication?

Yes. Most medical conferences publish their abstract booklets. The NSRF is no different. The manuscripts and poster contents will not be published, only the abstract describing your submission to the NSRF. For medical students applying through ERAS, you will be able to list your poster presentation, and the online publication form this journal, for two total entries into your publications category. 

Can I opt out of abstract publication?

Yes. You may opt out by request.

National Student Research Journal
301 University Blvd, Galveston, Texas 77555


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